Happy One-Year Anniversary


Today marks one year since my first blog post.  It took seven years for me to finally work up the courage to put my thoughts out there in the blogosphere. Of course, there were lots of encouraging family and friends along the way, so I must say thank you to the following:

Mike for helping me secure my website domain in 2009, for cleaning up photos, doing post graphics, taking photos, helping me with lighting, proofing, and putting up with my general goofiness (like making him wait to eat dinner so that I can take photos for the blog!).
Adam for getting me on Word Press and setting up my site.
Nicole for designing my new logo.
Markeda for proofing and giving me feedback.
Diane for proofing, inspiring and going with me on some of my research expeditions!
And to all of the above for encouraging me along the way.

I should also say thank you to the journalism professors I had back in the day at both East Texas State Univeristy and Bowling Green State University.  I am finally using my minor in journalism and my master’s degree in mass communications!

No list of thank yous can be complete without saying a huge thank you to those who read, comment and participate in the blog.  I enjoy hearing from you and hope that I add a smile to your day every now and then.

Just a few stats:
First blog post – February 9, 2016
Published posts to date – 205, including this one
Draft posts waiting to have their moment in the sun – 48
Frequency of posts – about 3 per week, although some weeks I just have too much to say for 3 posts!
Highest one day readership on the website – 346 (Apache Helicopters, and Their Pilots, Totally Rock!)
Most popular post over time – slow cooker pork chops
Countries from which last month’s readers are from – US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, China, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and Switzerland
My favorite post to write – Retro Summer Plans
Post written on a dare – The Art of the Leftover: 5 Tips for Making Leftovers New Again
Posts that mean the most to me – Any about my family.  I love to share Aunt E’s recipes and memories from my childhood.
Most fun posts to research – This is hard to say.  I LOVE them all, but the travel posts are particularly fun!

I am looking forward to the year ahead!  Thank you all for making the first year of blogging such an amazing experience.  Onward and upward!

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