It is time. My kitchen, which is in pretty good condition, is almost completely all original. This might be cool in a 1930s home, but in a 1984 home…it is dated!
This will be a daunting task because I don’t want just any kitchen. I love to cook, so I need a kitchen that is a workhorse. But I also like pretty, so it needs to look good and fit with the rest of the house.
It will also be difficult because I have a lot of kitchen gadgets, dishes, and other cooking paraphernalia. Yikes! And how will we eat while the renovation is going on?

The appliances in my kitchen are all still in perfect working condition. For the last nine years I have been shopping for what replacement appliances I want. I have not been enamored with any I have seen. So I am not looking forward to making these high price tag decisions.
The one thing I know I want is a wall mounted coffee maker that has a water tank in the cabinet below. I saw this at Eldridge Lumber and Atlantic Design Center in York, Maine and have wanted it ever since.
My designer and contractor told me a couple of weeks ago that she was finishing up her current project, so she will be headed my way soon. I can’t wait! Check back for progress photos. In the meantime, here are a few current photos. The only changes since 1984 was the removal of wallpaper, a new curtain over the sink, the addition of a TV, new drawer and cabinet pulls, and all new lighting, including a fandelier (fan and chandelier combined – you need one of these!).
Here is what we have to work with: