**Read all the way to the end to learn how you can win a Texas Olive Oil Sampler from At Home With Kayla Price**

Olive oil is my preferred oil to use when cooking. Not only is it better for you, but, to me, it seems to last longer on the shelf (that may just be because I empty the bottle quicker!).
Recently, I discovered a whole new world of olive oils. My pantry is currently stocked with garlic infused olive oil, chili pepper infused olive oil, and basil olive oil. I have found each of them to be valuable for punching up the taste of some of my recipes.
For example, I had purchased a bottle of Italian bread dipping spices that you serve with olive oil. I tried them a time or two with plain olive oil and fresh baked bread and found them to be lackluster. Taste wise they did not compare to being at the Olive Garden. It just tasted like dried bits in olive oil. Then I tried them again using Texas Olive Ranch’s Sweet Basil Olive Oil. WOW! The taste was so different. The basil helped to elevate the flavor of the dried herbs and provided a wonderful accompaniment to fresh bread.
I often use garlic when cooking, so Rao’s Garlic Infused Olive Oil often makes it into pasta dishes, tomato dishes, salad dressings, and much more. This is a mild garlic flavor, so you don’t have to worry about it overpowering your recipe.

Chili peppers are not a staple in my kitchen. I am more of a mild flavor kind of girl. However, I do admit that a little heat can really kick up the flavor in some dishes. While at an Italian restaurant, Speak Italian, in London, we were served chili pepper olive oil with our pizza. It was actually quite good, but I did worry about calories. Rao’s Chili Pepper Infused Olive Oil is now a welcome addition to my pantry. Not only would it be great on pizza, in pasta sauce, and with the Italian dipping spices, but also in casseroles, beans, and soups.
Before you purchase a bottle, think about what you normally cook and what flavor would most enhance your foods. I never want to purchase a bottle just for one recipe, because, to me, they seem a little pricey if you don’t use them up. The Texas Olive Ranch‘s price is $14 online, Rao’s price is $4.99, and San Saba Olive Oil Company has flavored oils starting at $15.95. As far as olive oils go, this isn’t too bad, but again make sure they will multi-task in your kitchen.
I encourage you to try a flavored olive oil, and let me know what you think. There are so many flavors available that you are sure to find one that will be a mainstay in your cooking. Lemon olive oil is next on my list to try. It would be perfect for salad dressings, relishes for fish, and it might even find it’s way into a cake!
Would you like to win a sampler of Texas Olive Ranch Olive Oils? I have one to give away! To enter to win, Subscribe to my blog in the right hand column, under About, at KaylaPrice.com. I will choose one lucky winner from the subscribers. Hurry because this giveaway ends Friday, January 20, 2017 at 11:59 p.m., CT. The winner will receive a sampler pack including three, 3.3 ounce bottles of olive oil in Sweet Basil, Arbequina, and Roasted Garlic flavors. All subscribers to the blog website are eligible.