Oh My Goodness! If you ever get a chance to see Bruno Mars in concert, you have to take it up! Regardless of whether you know his music or not, his concerts are very entertaining.
Mike and I enjoyed what little Bruno Mars music we knew. For some reason, I got a wild hair to purchase tickets after they had sold out. I kept thinking it would be something fun to do.

Since we were already in for a penny, why not be in for a pound? So, I scheduled a night at the W Hotel, so that we did not have to deal with driving and crowds. We had enjoyed Cook Hall when we ate there before the Lionel Richie concert, so we went ahead and got dinner reservations before the concert.
Just to set the tone, when we entered the American Airlines Center the ticket taker said to Mike, “I don’t think I have ever seen a less enthused concert goer.” Mike responded by saying, “You noticed that, huh?”

Half of the fun of a concert is people watching. We made it to our seats and spent the next hour watching the sights. This concert attracted men, women, children, old, young, etc. We saw people with walkers, kids dressed like Bruno, ladies night out groups, mens night out groups and lots of couples.

The concert opener was Georgia Smith from London. She had a lovely voice and was very pretty. However, she did not have a stage presence. Her music was mellow and soulful. Her outfit and movements blended in with the background. Sadly, she put the crowd to sleep, and they did not seem to wake up for the rest of the evening.

Bruno Mars and his singers and band were the total opposite of the opener. They moved, danced, bounced, sang and played the entire time. The crowd willingly stood the for the concert, except for while Bruno went on a one song break and a pianist entertained the group.
Everyone on stage was an athlete. They all sang, played instruments and danced. It was an amazing show. It seemed like each performer was having the time of his life.
Even the stage seemed to be in constant motion. The overhead lights changed between (and sometimes during) each song to create a different look and feel. Different parts of the stage went up to create an elevated platform as well as to expose a video screen.
The audience danced and sang along with Bruno, but other than when he did pelvic thrusts, they never really made much noise. Bruno noticed and said he would only be as loud as the audience. The band lip synced and quieted down to mimic the audience.

Of course Mike and I only knew a few songs, but each song performed was wonderful. For an encore, two songs were presented with Up Town Funk being the final number.
24K made for a very enjoyable night. I will definitely go back to any concert Bruno Mars holds in Dallas. And of course, he is so cute and sings so well!