Wow. Such a small word with such a big meaning. Be it home, wardrobe or life, style is what we all strive for. Each of our targeted styles are probably vastly different based on how we define style.
I have always described my style of dress as dressing like my dad…not that I wear a pants suit, tie and white shirt everyday, but rather I choose a classic tailored look over what’s in style. Lately my style has changed to a soft midi dress with sweater or jacket.
I remember, back in the 1970s, my mom, sister and I purchased a new instyle outfit for my dad. It was brown double knit pants and a brown and pink kioni fabric shirt (probably best worn unbuttoned with a gold chain). I think I may have seen my dad in the outfit once, but it was overlooked for his traditional pants suits. Now I get it. It was just not his style even though it was in style.

I am definitely classic, with a bit of bohemian mixed in every now and then (Johnny Was and Tory Burch tunics are too cute to pass up). I tried the whole cowboy boots and jeans thing, but it looked more like a costume on me rather than a normal outfit. My family calls these “getups.”
Be it classic, boho, goth, western or whatever style a person chooses, I think it is good to choose what is a reflection of you and your personality. To follow aimlessly what is in style is where I tend to wince. But I, like many, have fallen victim to the ads and market whims telling us what we should consider stylish.
The same can go for our home decorating style. My mom, who did not like to clean house, taught us that sit-abouts were just more stuff to dust (I think she called them “dust collectors.”) I think that may be why I prefer few things sitting on top of my tables. She and my dad also refrained from putting much on the walls…it would hurt resale. When my parents built their dream house, it was the time of wallpaper which would be permanently marred with a hole. These days, just fill the nail holes, paint and go on. But I still prefer few wall hangings rather than a picture on every inch of every wall. Too much wall decor makes me feel like it is too messy!

I see very stylish, usually British or Northeastern, homes in magazines with the walls covered with framed photos or art. The rooms look lovely, and I admire them. However, I know I would grow weary of them over time.
Style can be a way of life. Look at Ralph Lauren’s laidback style or Robert Redford’s southwestern style. Style can evoke a feeling, such as Kate Middleton’s latest trend of dress which is a vintage 1940s and ’50s style. Style can be modern, streamlined, mid-century, eclectic, traditional, classic, tailored, French country, English garden, or any of a thousand or two more descriptors. Style, by nature, is what we individually define it to mean.
Here is to all of us knowing ourselves, our preferences, our likes, and our style. Differences are good and should be celebrated. If everyone dressed classically, and decorated their house sparsely, what a boring world this would be!