Spring Planting


As I have mentioned before , I do not have a green thumb (read more about it here)!  However, last summer I planted herbs (to see last summer’s herb planters, click here) that, I am happy to report, survived the Summer!  Some have even lived through the Winter.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I thought I would try some seeds.  It is early still, so keep my little plants in your prayers, but so far, so good.  The dill was the first to sprout.  Then yesterday, I saw the earliest start to the basil.  By the end of the day, it almost touched the top of the cover.  This morning, it was touching.

A few hours ago, I saw that the cilantro was starting to come through the soil, as well as the broccoli.  I am so excited!  I can’t believe how fast they sprout and how quickly they grow.  Maybe it is the Jiffy pellets or the Jiffy containers, but I now want to plant more seeds.

The great thing about using seeds is that I can keep a steady supply of young plants to replace old ones.  Cilantro only lasts a small part of the summer.  I can always have some seeds started so that I never run out.  The same goes for dill.

Instead of putting a floral arrangement in the middle of my kitchen island, I have put my seed packets and growing trays.  It makes it easy to keep an eye on the growth, and it looks nice!

I have started small because I really wasn’t sure it would work.  If I can get them to the outdoor planting stage, then I might plan for more seeds for next summer.

All I know is that if I can do it, then ANYBODY can do it!  There is still time to  plant some seeds!

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