Porcelain place cards may not be at the top of your list of entertaining tools, but I think you may want to re-evaluate your list. Several years ago I purchased 25 or 30 white matching, reusable, porcelain place cards. I have used these as place cards, but more often, I use them to identify food at a buffet or pot luck. They are also great for using to identify cheese on a cheese platter or drinks when they are in urns or pitchers.
These come in a multitude of styles and sizes, which are available at your local kitchen stores or on online sites like Amazon. You use a marker to write on them and then wipe it off for reuse later. Mine came with a black marker. Any color would work, as long as it is not a permanent marker.

My set is very plain and small, which I have found works well for the long haul. However, there are many ornate ones available today, with accents like fleur d lis or scrolls. Some are little chalkboards which require chalk or a chalk pen to write on them with.

When choosing a set, you need to consider if you will use them more casually (chalkboards), or formally (scrolls). Would white or off-white go better with your dishes and serving platters. I would recommend that you buy at least 15 matching holders, so that you will have plenty for identifying food and drink items. If you think you might also need some to use for place cards, you will want to increase that amount.

You will be amazed at how often you will use these markers. They really do help your guests to know what they are eating and drinking and where they are sitting. Guests always appreciate information. As host, you will enjoy them too. You will be asked fewer questions!
Happy hosting!
Where can I purchase these porcelain place cards?
The plain white oval ones you describe?
Thank you,
Irene Cass
Hi there, Irene! The ones in the photographs came from Amazon.com. I just did a search and found they are still available. Go to https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_n_1?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=n%3A13468941%2Ck%3APorcelain+place+card&keywords=Porcelain+place+card&ie=UTF8&qid=1477323523&rnid=2941120011
Thank you!