A couple of years ago, when I was decorating my vacation rental home, My Ok-La-Home, I knew the look I was going for. I wanted the cabin to look like Ralph Lauren had lived there for about twenty years. A sophisticated, yet laid back Southwestern feel was my goal. I wanted lots of layers and textures.

To achieve this look, I wanted to have original pieces of art. I began my search for beautiful pieces on a very tight budget by looking on eBay for finds. I hit a gold mine. I found some of the most amazing pieces for just a few dollars.

To catalog my collection, I created a book called Art & Artifacts, which features a photo of each piece and what history I know of the art or artist. Of course, I had to have a bit of fun with it, so if I had nothing to tell, I made it up (although I always came clean).

Native American sand art, Indian head carvings, paintings by listed artists, arrow heads, ghost paintings, Western art, Southwestern art, Native American art, folk art all became my passion. I found great pieces in second hand stores in my area as well as the Dallas area. Taxidermy was my friend.

I embraced kilem pillows and dhurri rugs. Plaids, Pendleton blankets, and ikat fabrics all mixed well with the art. Log furniture, antique furniture, and rustic furniture live happily along side one another. Oklahoma maps, commemorative plates, and other Oklahoma artifacts highlight the location of the cabin. I even have a primitive bench in a bedroom that goes perfectly!

So here is a peek into the small collection I have amassed. I hope you like it as much as I have grown to like it. I am currently collecting for my second vacation rental…the Get Out of Dodge Lodge. I thought about taking another design route, but I really love the look I created at My Ok-La-Home. Please don’t bid against me on eBay!

That is a taste of my Southwestern decor. For more views of the cabin and decorations, visit rentmyoklahome.com.